Top Animation School in Kansas - 2018 Rankings
1University of KansasLawrence

Our 2018 ranking of the top animation school program in Kansas. For an explanation of the ranking criteria, click here.

University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas
University of Kansas

The University of Kansas (KU) was named as the official university for the State of Kansas when Gov. Carney signed the act to begin the university on March 1, 1864. Today, KU is a major public and teaching institution that serves 28,447 students from 50 states and 105 countries, across six campuses in Lawrence, Kansas City, Overland Park, Wichita, Leavenworth, and Salina. KU has 13 schools, including the only schools of pharmacy and medicine in the state, and offers more than 370 degree programs.

Part of the School of Architecture and Design, the Department of Design offers a BFA in Illustration & Animation. The program helps students develop technical skills and techniques, as well as a refined understanding of composition, color, and value through the introduction and exploration of traditional and contemporary media says the school. Sample courses for the program include Animation, Fundamentals of Animation, Sequential and Narrative Illustration, Concept Art, and Drawing Media for Illustration.

The BFA in Illustration & Animation also covers business and legal issues, which, in addition to animation, prepares students for professional options such as toys and games, motion graphics, print media, book publishing, gallery installation, entertainment, and surface design.
