Maine College of Art (MECA) was founded in 1882 as part of the Portland Society of Art. The school serves more than 500 BFA, MFA and MAT students and 1,500 continuing studies students. The BFA Program at MECA offers 11 majors, including Animation & Game Art (AG).
Launched in 2018, the AG Major is “designed on the premise that in order to effectively tell a story, animators must understand screenwriting, character development, cinematic structure, narrative and composition,” says the school “and be able to effectively convey the emotions and motivations of a character by mastering skills in drawing, modeling, timing, and gesture.”
To develop these skills students will work in studio-like settings to create works and take courses such as 3D Modeling and Animation, 3D Rigging and Animation, Cinematic Storytelling, Digital Filmmaking, and Stop Motion and FX. Students will also take Major Production 1 and 2, and two Capstone courses. Professional Studio is also part of the program.
The AG programs "dual emphasis on developing both individual exploration and collaborative practices prepares graduates for lifelong personal and professional creative practice," while "internships and professional studio courses prepare students to competitively enter the professional marketplace.”