Our ninth seasonal contest received almost one hundred submissions with more creativity and high quality animations than we’ve ever seen before in a single season! Every season keeps getting better and better. Thanks to everyone who participated for making this contest a success. Below you will find our 2017 Make a Commercial Short Animation Contest winners.
$1,000 First Place: Roger and the Doritos by Alejandro Garcia.
$500 Second Place: ACR LAPTOPS ADVERT - Short Animation by Adriane Teepapal.
$200 Third Place: Chewing Gum Man by Emily Biernott.
$100 Fourth Place: YOPSTER, Now on your planet by José Miguel Medina Pérez.
$100 Fifth Place: Friends with a Monster by Elleck Dibakoane.
$50 Sixth Place: Splash Island Commercial by Stig Plantell.
$50 Seventh Place: Demon Buster by Ethan Verkler.
$50 Eighth Place: iClothes App by The Emperor by Krisztina Császár.
$50 Ninth Place: Sleepwell Mattress Concept Advertisement Commercial by Abhishek Sharma.
$50 Tenth Place: MINT MAN MINTS by David Budgen.
$100 Best Commercial Concept: Sticky Trackers by Aviva Brandes-Krug.
$100 Most Humorous: Red Bull Canimation by Akash Guru Aruna.
$100 Most Artistic: Quickchen by Julia Truong.
$100 Best Stop Motion: Bricky Brick® Commercial [LEGO Brick-film] by Sebastian Dohnal.
Prize recipients will be notified via email regarding payment details. Congrats to all!