Animation Career Review has had the great fortune of being able to interview some of the most interesting and knowledgeable people in the animation world. Below is a list of companies, schools, and colleges that have conducted interviews to date.
Virtual Reality Series:
Phoebe Elefante and Jonathan Whittaker, New York Film Academy Virtual School
Jon Vener, VR Animation
Women in Animation, Multimedia and Gaming Series:
Meghann Artes, Film Maker and Teacher
Dana Boadway Masson, Animator
Nancy Beiman, Animator, Illustrator, Writer, and Professor
Dani Bowman, Animator
Ashley Ruhl, Game Designer
Sharon Shattuck, Animator
Sheila Sofian, Film Maker and Producer
Ellen Woodbury, Animator
Animation, Design, and Media Professionals:
2K Sports, Jerson Sapida
Ace and Son, Richard O'connor
ADi, Donald Fergus, Nick Nakadate, Sean Hutchinson, and Kate Ertmann
AD/M LLC, Kai Bovaird
Aniben Animation Studio, Arthur Kautz
Anistock, Brian O'Connell
Applehead Factory Design Studio, Joe DiDomenico
appromoter, Ed Vause
Armikrog, Mike Dietz & Ed Schofield
Arc Productions, Matthew Teevan
Arup, Robert Stava
Austin Visuals, Matt Winters
BamTUBE, Bill Hughes
Bent Image Lab, Staff
Big Sandwich Games, Glenn Barnes
Bonfire Labs, Matt Silverman
Bradleez Cartoons, Brad Trofin
BrainDistrict's PaintSupreme, Richie Lopez
Bray Animation Project, Tom Stathes
Cartoongems.com, James Rumpf
ChromaVantage, Brian Seger
CORE Animated Effects, Trevor Davies
Crush, Gary Thomas
Clambake Animation, Andre Lyman
Dancing Line Productions, Anik Rosenblum
DAZ 3D, Blaine Furner
Digital Elixir Studios, Mark DiGiacomo
Disada Productions, Peter Adamakos
DraftFCB, Jon Gallo
Dreamlike Pictures, Art Bell
DreamWorks, Jamaal Bradley
Effective Digital Presentations, Paul Kakert
Egglepple, Link Starbureiy
Element X Creative, Chad Briggs
Flaming Medusa Studios<, Darcy Vorhees
Freelance Animator, David Rabbitte
Funnypages Productions, Rob Corley
Fuse, Alec Syme
Fusion Digital Productions, Paul Griswold
Fuzz Animation, Nathan Dillow
Gabriel Polonsky Studio, Gabriel Polonsky
GameMaker, Staff
GAPC Entertainment, Ron Allen
Gibb Animation Studios, Jeremy Gibb
Global Mechanic Media, Matthew Charde
Graphissimo Entertainment, Simona Lyriti
GrisDimation, GrissyG and Dismas
Guru Studio, Brandon James Scott
Happy Trails Animation, Andy Collen
Illum Productions, Jerry Chambless
Image Engine, Lyndon Barrois
Invisible Entertainment, Mark Cappello
J.J. Sedelmaier Productions, Inc., J.J. Sedelmaier
Kickstarter Animation Interview: “The Sight of Stars”, Devon Manney
Kickstarter Animation Interview: “Toonocalypse”, Owen Rixon
Kush Boys Studios, Drue Young
Mac and Cheez, Stephen Fishman
Madwerkz, Joddy Eric
March Entertainment Inc., Mike Drach
Max Howard Consulting Group, Max Howard
Maximilian Zillion Animation, Kevin Webster
MillMac Co., Brent Miller
Outpost12, Michael Domgard
Parallax Studio, Jeff Williams
Paradigm Productions, Charles Gaushell
PING! Studios, Marty Topping
pk, Patrick Kalyanapu
Polymorph Productions, Tawd Dorenfeld
Pixar, Chris Chua
Powerhouse Animation, Brad Graebar
RichToons, Rich Murray
Real Media Digital Productions, Brad Burrow
Reel FX, Kyle Clark
Rejected Princesses, Jason Porath
RenderJump, Gary Gibich
Riot Games, Rory Alderton
Sesame Workshop, Nadine Zylstra
Serif’s DrawPlus X5, Simon Monahan
Six Point Harness, Brendan Burch
Slap Happy Cartoons, Kathy Rocchio
SquidNet, Ralph Alvarez
Steelhouse, Eric Lee
Stone Fence Studio, Brian Dean-Rowe
Studio ArtFX, Terrence Walker
Studio NX, Adam Jeffcoat
Studio Todd, Todd Schowalter
TouTenKartoon, Laurent Donnay
The Machine Tree, Angelo Scalise
The Studio, Mary Nittolo
The Untitled Project, Bert and Zeea Moss
Thunderwerks, Joseph Wraith
Too Many Legs Animation Studios, Ian Johnston
Totuma, Hubert Reinfeld
True Light Media, Enoc Castaneda
VFX, Matt Sloan
Voice Over and Voice Character Acting, Anthony Reece
VoiceTOONS, Anthony Reece
Wallyhood, Donald Wallace
WaveGarden Arts, Chris Robadue
Yellow Fox Animation Studio, Kelly Shon
Zen Images, Daniel Beaudry
Colleges, Schools, and Training Programs:
9Zeros - Escuela de Animación de Catalunya, Laura Tey
Academy of Art University, Christopher Schenck
Academy of Interactive Entertainment (AIE), Chris Erhardt
Academy of Interactive Entertainment (AIE), James Cardo and Robin Couvillon
Albertay University, Danyna Galloway
Alma College, Lauren Woolbright
Animation College, Raymond McGrath
Animation Mentor, Bobby Beck
Animation Mentor, Cheryl Hoke
Animation Mentor, Nicole Herr
Animation Portfolio Workshop, Gerard Sternik and Vince Peets
AnimC, Andrew Gordon & Michal Makarewicz
ANOMALIA, Anthony Wong, Josh Carey and David Toušek
Art Academy of Cincinnati, David Michael Butler
ArtCenter College of Design, Christophe Gomez
Art Center College of Design, Guillaume Aretos & Marlon Nowe
ArtFx, Aurélyen Daudet
Ball State University, Andy Beane
Ball State University, John Ludwick
Ballyfermot Irish School of Animation, Dr. Mark Byrne
Becker College, Paul Cotnoir
Billy Blue College of Design, Ivan Kintanar
Boston University’s 3D Animation and Game Art Certificate Program, Liz Hollerman
Bowling Green State University, Bonnie Mitchell
Bowling Green State University, Jenn Stucker
Bradley University, Ethan Ham
Bradley University, Dr. Monica McGill
Brigham Young University, Brent Adams
Cal State Fullerton, Chuck Grieb
Cal State -Long Beach, Aubry Mintz
Cal State - Long Beach, Beomsik Shimbe Shim
Cal State -Northridge, Robert St. Pierre
California College of the Arts, Andrew Lyndon
California Institute of the Arts (CalArts), Daniel Hansen
California State University Los Angeles, Jim Ovelmen
Capilano University, Don Perro, Craig Simmons and Adam Sale
Carnegie Mellon University, Drew Davidson
Carnegie Mellon University's Center for the Arts in Society, James Duesing
CG Spectrum, Genevieve Camilleri
CG Spectrum, Mike Wiesmeier
CG Spectrum, Nick Fredin
CG Spectrum, Steve Hubbard
CG Spectrum, Troy Dunniway
Central Michigan University, Steve Leeper
Centre for Arts & Technology, Breandan McGrath
Cleveland Institute of Art, Anthony Scalmato
Cogswell College, Jerome Solomon
Columbia College, Ron Fleischer
Columbus College of Art & Design, Charlotte Belland
Columbus College of Art & Design, Mike Laughead
Columbus College of Art & Design, Tom Richner
Dakota State University, Ryan English
DAVE School, Angel Gonzalez
DAVE School, David Sushil
DAVE School, Jasper Baltzersen
DAVE School, Matt Killian
DAVE School, Michelle Corbin
DePaul University, Heather Quinn
DePaul University, Scott Roberts and Brian Ferguson
DigiPen Institute of Technology MFA, Alecia Rossano
DigiPen Institute of Technology, Angela Kugler
DigiPen’s Project Fun: Youth Development at DigiPen Institute Of Technology
Digital Media Arts College, Brett Baker
Drexel University, Dave Mauriello
Drexel University, Rob Lloyd
Drexel University, Nick Jushchyshyn
Drury University, Steven Carpenter
East Tennessee State University, Greg Marlow
École des Nouvelles Image, Julien Deparis
Edinboro University, Mike Genz
Edinboro University, Shelle Baron
Embry-Riddle, Ashish Amresh
Emerson College, John Craig Freeman
Fairleigh Dickinson University, Janet O'Neil
Fairleigh Dickinson University, Robin Barkley
Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg, Professors
Full Sail University, Rick Ramsey
Full Sail University, Heather Torres
Full Sail University, Jay Bunner
Full Sail University, Peter Bandstra
Full Sail University, Chad Kendall
Full Sail University, Program Director Lee Wood, Department Chair Zack Hiwiller, and Course Director Dax Gazaway
Futurepoly, Jason Stoke
FX Animation, Xes Vilà
George Mason University, Greg Grimsby
Georgia Southern University, Derek Larson
Gnomon School of Visual Effects, Alex Alvarez
Gnomon School of Visual Effects, Brian Bradford
Gobelins l’ecole de l’image, Eric Riewer
Goucher College MADArts Program, Michael Scott-Nelson
Humber College, Jason Par
Huntington University, Arizona - Christian Washington
Huntington University, Indiana - Bryan Ballinger
iAnimate, Jason Ryan
Indiana University- Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), Mathew Powers
Laguna College of Art & Design, Sandy Appleoff
Langara College, Peter Walsh
LaSalle Ramon Llull University, Felix Balbas
L'École Supérieure des Métiers Artistiques (ESMA), Gérard Raucoules
L'École Supérieure des Métiers Artistiques (ESMA), Pierrick Barbin
Los Angeles Academy of Figurative Art, Holly Olin-Miller and Marty Kline
Lost Boys Studio School of VFX, Mark Bénard
Loyola Marymount University, José García-Moreno
Lynn University, Michael Centkowski
Marist College, Karen Schrier
Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA), Jason Corace
Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA), Laurence Arcadias
MassArt, Flip Johnson
Max the Mutt, Maxine Schacker
Media Design School, Ryan Mullany
Memphis College of Art, Jill Wissmiller
Middle Tennessee State University, Kevin McNulty
Monmouth University, Michael Richison
Monmouth University, Wobbe Konig
Moore College, Stephen Wood
National Film & Television School, Helen Nabarro
NJIT, Glenn Goldman
Norco College, James Finley
Norco College, Taber Dunipace
Northeastern University, Celia Pearce
Northeastern University, Dr. Magy Seif El-Nasr
Northern Michigan University, Steven Hughes
Nossi College of Art, Mark Fleming
Nossi College of Art, Dr. Mark Mabry
Nova Scotia College of Art & Design, Becka Barker
NYU's Tisch School of Art, John Canemaker
Odd School, Agostinho Ribeiro & David Dias
Otis College of Art & Design, Harry Mott
Otis College of Art & Design, Kathleen Milnes
Pacific Northwest College of Art, Martin French
Point Park University, Jonathan Trueblood
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Shawn Lawson
Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), Amy Kravitz
Ringling College, Ed Cheetham
Ringling College, Jamie DeRuyter
Ringling College, Jim McCampbell
RMIT University, Dr. Chris Barker and Mark Lycette
Rochester Institute of Technology, Tom Gasek
Rochester Institute of Technology, Brian Larson
Rocket Sky Animation School, Garth Drake
Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design, Jay Hollick
Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design, James Reiman
Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design, Sean Brown
Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design, Scott Wakefield
RUBIKA, Stéphane André
SAE Expression College, Lauren Morrison
San Jose State University, Raquel Coelho
Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), Chris Gallagher
Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), Chris Gallagher and John Webber
Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), Duke Greenhill
Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), Duke Greenhill
Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), SuAnne Fu
Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), Karl Rouse
Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), Leigh Seaman
Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), Max Almy and Teri Yarbrow
School of Visual Arts (SVA), Bruce Wands
Seneca College, Jim Zubkavich
Seneca College, Mark Jones
Sheridan College, Mark Mayerson
St. Clair College, Richard Moy
Swinburne University, Steven Murdoch
Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest, Yvonne Hennessy
Teesside University, Penny Holton
Texas A&M University, Tim McLaughlin
The Animation School, Nuno Martins
The Animation School, Nuno Martins
The Animation Workshop, Morten Harpøth Thorning
The Art Institute of California at San Francisco, Billy Burger
The College of New Jersey, Josh Fishburn
University of the Arts, Karl Staven
University of Central Florida, Peter Weishar
University of Hertfordshire’s, Finest Instructors
University of the Incarnate Word, Matt Tovar
University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Yeon Choi
University of Michigan’s Art & Design Summer Programs for Pre-Teens and Teens, Erika Hess
University of North Carolina, Stephen Baker
University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Bobby Campbell
University of Utah's Entertainment Arts & Engineering Program, Bob Kessler
University of Wisconsin-Stout, Andrew Williams
Think Tank Training Centre, Scott Thompson
Trazos School, Enrique Gato
UC Denver’s Digital Animation Center, Howard Cook
UCF Character and Experimental Animation Program, Scott Hall and Cheryl Cabrera
UCF’s School of Visual Arts & Design, Matt Dombrowski
UCLA's Design Media Arts Dept., Rebecca Allen
UCLA’s Animation Workshop, Doug Ward
UCLA’s School of Theater, Film and Television, Joe Rosenberg
UNL's Johnny Carson School of Theater & Film, Steve Kolbe
USC's Cinematic Arts Summer Program, Ty Strickler
USC's John C. Hench Division of Animation and Digital Arts, Kathryn Smith
USC's John C. Hench Division of Animation and Digital Arts, Tom Sito
USC's Director of USC Games and Game Innovation Lab, Tracy Fullerton
University for the Creative Arts Farnham, Lesley Adams
University of Cincinnati College of Design, Architecture, Art & Planning, Ian Bellomy
University of California Santa Cruz, John Jota Leaños
University of Pennsylvania (Penn), Dr. Stephen Lane
University of South Florida, McArthur Freeman
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Kim Beckmann
University of Wisconsin - Whitewater, James TerKeurst and Bill Miller
Vancouver Film School, Marianne O’Reilly
Vancouver Film School, Vanessa Jacobsen
Vancouver Institute of Media Arts (Vanarts), Wayne Gilbert
VCAD, Roger Mitchell
Veritas University, Diego Garzón
Virginia Marti College of Art & Design (VMCAD), Todd Saperstein
Virginia State University, Anh Do
William Peace University, Justin Johnson
Woodbury University, Dori Littell-Herrick
Woodbury University, William Novak
Woodbury University, Round Table Q&A
Yoobee School of Design, Eli Tucker
Esports Series:
Arcadia University, Timothy Belloff
Ashland University, Travis Young
Bellevue University, Samanga Amarasinghe
Benedictine University, Mesa, Frank Woodford
Caldwell University, ToniAnn Convertino
Coker, Joseph Rudy
Daemen College, Patrick Ryan
Full Sail, Bennett Newsome
Indiana Tech, Geoffrey Wright
Juanita College, Alex Kurtz
King University, Frank Morgan
Maryville University, Jarrett Fleming
Miami University, Chad Reynolds
Milwaukee School of Engineering, Erick Johnson and Michael Hinder
Ohio Northern University, Troy Chiefari
Robert Morris University, Michael Wisnios
Schreiner University, Brad Shearhart
Shenandoah University, Joey Gawrysiak
Stephens College, Alyssa Tinker
The University of Akron, Michael Fay
Tiffin University, Chalin Cahlik
University of California-Berkeley, Kevin Ponn
University of Iowa, Aldair Matias Garcia
University of Jamestown, Josh Knutson
University of North Texas, Dylan Wray